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Here's to a fruitful collaboration!

We set great store by a collaborative and enduring relationship with our partners and suppliers – after all, this is the basis for the excellent services and products we offer our customers worldwide.


Windfarm Woelfling | Maintenance Contract Aktenzeichen 2022/029/EU366

Procurement-related documents and forms

Here you will find official documents which provide a sound basis for a long-term, successful collaboration.
Our calls for tenders are also announced here.


We expect our company and our partners and suppliers to treat each other with respect. In order to achieve this, we rely on information about potential risks and violations of human rights and environmental protection.

You can contact us at any time by e-mail or in person. We will carefully examine your concerns and take appropriate measures to find a suitable solution. Our Compliance department is at your disposal for this purpose. Send us an e-mail to the following address:

In future, you will also be able to report information about potential risks and violations of human rights and the environment via our new whistleblower tool, which is currently being set up.


Purchasing STEAG Power GmbH

Unser Verhaltenskodex

Verantwortung als Erfolgsgrundlage

STEAG operiert im weltweiten Energiemarkt, der sich im ständigen Wandel befindet. Wir richten unsere Strategie einer modernen Kraftwirtschaft an den Erfordernissen des Marktes aus, um erfolgreich zu sein. Erfolg bedeutet jedoch für uns nicht nur das Ziel, profitabel zu sein, sondern auch den Weg dorthin, rechtskonform und verantwortungsbewusst die gesetzten Ziele zu verwirklichen. Nur so können gute Geschäftsergebnisse dauerhaft erreicht werden.

Verhaltensskodex herunterladen


LkSG-Training für Geschäftspartner

In unserem 15-minütigen Präsentation geben wir Ihnen einen Überblick über die konzernweiten Maßnahmen zur Einhaltung von Menschenrechten und Umweltschutz. Zudem werden Sie darüber informiert, welche Anforderungen wir an unsere Geschäftspartner haben.




Any questions?

Read the answers to the most frequently asked questions here.



Billing questions


Yes, to the following mail address:


  • Each invoice including its related documents (delivery notes, time sheets, etc.) can only be processed as a single PDF document (max. 10MB).
  • Each invoice must be sent individually.
  • Texts contained in the e-mail cannot be transferred to invoice processing.
  • As soon as electronic invoice exchange is used, you must ensure that no more paper invoices are transmitted.
  • Emails without a PDF file attachment will not be processed and will be discarded by our system without sending you any automatic error message.

Please send an e-mail to:


Please send an e-mail to:



Using the supplier portal


For the first registration please use the link you received by e-mail with the invitation to tender.

Once you have registered, you will receive your access data, which you can use to view the tendering documents and participate in the tender.

If you have any questions about the access data or technical problems, the user support staff of Atos IT-Dienstleistung und Beratung GmbH will assist you.

Please mention “STEAG Power/Iqony supplier portal§ as a keyword.

You can reach user support by phone or email on working days between 8am and 5pm as follows:

T +49 211 399-13009

  • Depending on the invitation to tender, pricing must be quoted either on the basis of the saved specifications or on an item by item basis. This must then be detailed.
  • Supplementary documents can be uploaded as attachments.
  • The bid must be submitted before the end of the tendering period.

Yes, please coordinate this with the responsible buyer before the bid deadline.

You will find the RIsource manual at the following link.

To the manual (German version)