SENS realizes large-scale solar project
Rickertsreute/Würzburg/Essen. Die STEAG Solar Energy Solutions GmbH (SENS) realisiert in Rickertsreute im baden-württembergischen Bodenseekreis ein solartechnisches Großprojekt, bestehend aus einer PV-Freiflächenanlage, zwei Aufdachanlagen und einem Großspeicher, um den erzeugten Grünstrom zwischenspeichern zu können. Mit einer kalkulierten Jahreserzeugung von 15 Gigawattstunden (GWh) können in der Region künftig jedes Jahr 7.000 Tonnen an CO2-Emissionen vermieden werden.
On Wednesday, June 15, ground was broken on the organic farm of Hubert-Alexander Bechinger on the outskirts of Rickertsreute for the ambitious project, which, in addition to renewable energy generation for several thousand people in the region, also has biodiversity and species-appropriate animal husbandry in mind.
The plant is being built for the investor Bechinger e-Energie GmbH. The ground-mounted PV system will be constructed in such a way that flowers, grasses and herbs can grow on the underlying meadow in the future, which would not have a chance if the area were cultivated conventionally. At the same time, the solar modules provide additional protection through shading and reduce evaporation. And finally, a flock of sheep will be on hand in the future to maintain the greenery.
Solar project for sustainable energy supply of the region
"The aspect of sustainability and biodiversity has long been an essential part of our activities here at the organic farm," Hubert-Alexander Bechinger, managing director of Bechinger e-Energie GmbH and owner of the Rickertsreute organic farm, tells us. "In addition to our bee-flowering meadows and mixed forests, the next logical step was quite clear: We have to make our energy consumption more sustainable."
For the realization of this plan, Hubert-Alexander Bechinger relied on the experience and competence of SENS. In this case, the PV specialists from Würzburg not only build the PV systems and the storage unit, but also take care of the construction of the medium-voltage cable route for the grid connection of the system in coordination with the municipality, the Zweckverband Breitband-Bodenseekreis (Broadband Association of the Lake Constance District) as well as the Stadtwerke am See (Public Utilities on the Lake). This approximately 2.5-kilometer-long line ensures the distribution of the locally generated green electricity between the localities of the district.
Particularly powerful PV modules in use
The groundbreaking ceremony marks the first step in the realization of the 12-hectare ground-mounted PV plant. In addition to the benefits for local flora and fauna, it is also characterized by the use of bifacial modules, which are particularly high-yielding. Bifacial means that not only the direct incidence of light on the front of the modules is converted into energy, but also the indirect, reflected solar radiation on the back of the modules.
Insgesamt kommt die Anlage so auf eine Leistung von 12 Megawatt (MWp). Geplant ist, dass die Anlage ab Oktober grünen Strom ins örtliche Netz einspeisen wird. Hinzu kommen zwei Aufdach-PV-Anlagen auf den Scheunen des Biohofs, die für weitere 307 Kilowatt (KWp) sorgen. Zusammen bringen es alle drei Anlagen pro Jahr auf eine Grünstromerzeugung von 15 GWh. Mit dieser Menge an Strom kann man rechnerisch etwa 3.500 bis 4.000 Durchschnittshaushalte ein Jahr lang mit Strom versorgen und 7.000 Tonnen an CO2-Emissionen dauerhaft einsparen.
Completion by February 2023
The entire system, including electricity storage with a capacity of up to 10 megawatt hours (MWh), is scheduled to go into operation by February 2023.
SENS realizes the project as general contractor
"This project is not only a special project for the region around Lake Constance, but also for SENS. Here we can demonstrate our core competence as a partner in the implementation of more complex projects with multiple, interconnected technologies and realize a regionally unique project through the combination of PV systems and storage system," explains Fabian Herr, COO of SENS. In the coming months, the SENS team will now ensure that the Lake Constance district can benefit from the locally generated renewable energy as quickly as possible.
The press photo shows (from left to right): Wolfgang Heine (Managing Director of the Upper Swabia-Lake Constance Regional Association), Christian Böhm (project partner Laoco), local councillor Markus Müller, Mayor Frank Amann, Stefan Böhm (Sieber Consulting), builder and investor Hubert Bechinger, Georg Waschheim (VR-Bank), Thomas Vöhringer (Project Manager Sens) and Tim Müller (Tricera Energie).